It’s been awhile since my last blog post. The last couple of weeks here are crazy. I have so much stuff to do (especially as a Senior in High School.) My friend texted me earlier today and said that we only have 4 more mondays. Isn’t that crazy?? I’m leaving cashmere in 5 weeks from today… I can’t believe it. I am just trying to enjoy everything right now, because I’m definitely gonna miss this!
This weekend I went to Mia’s house. We basically spent every day together this weekend. I stayed the night and we spent the night down in her basement. Earlier that day when I walked down the stairs by myself to put my bag in the basement where we were staying, I got goosebumps as I was walking through the hallway before their TV room. When I got into the room, I felt completely fine again. It was weird. I didn’t think too much of it, it just creeped me out a little. Later that night at the dinner table, her mom told me that their basement used to be haunted. I then told her that I felt really uncomfortable walking down the last part of the stairs and in the hallway, but when I got into the TV room that feeling disappeared. She said that that is exactly where the “ghost” was. Now THAT freaked me out. Scary, huh?
The next day we went to Wenatchee. There was a fair there, which we went to. We didn’t stay for very long, maybe an hour or so. It wasn’t that big, so an hour was definitely enough. I think it was called a food fair, so we basically just ate. Haha! After that, I got my hair done so now I’m blonde again!
Today was just a normal day for me. I went to school and then had track practice. My ankles felt really good, it didn’t hurt too bad and I was so happy that I could run today at practice! I have gotten to the point where I ENJOY running. Isn’t that crazy? Running used to be my worst nightmare, and now I like it. I am not a distance runner or a sprinter though. I do long jump, but I have to run a lot during practice. I am currently tied the best long jumper at my school! This also means that I am on the varsity team. That’s super cool for me. I just really hope that my ankles will stay healthy throughout the rest of the season so I can improve my personal best. But I will keep you posted on that 🙂
I have lots and lots of homework for tonight… I usually don’t have any homework at all, but since I’m a senior I have quite a few things I have to finish before graduation. The last 2 months will be crazy with all the school stuff!! I am also planing on taking my drivers test (the written one) tomorrow, so I need o study for that!
I honestly forgot about my blog… my host sister just reminded me about it, and now that I only have 2 more months I will try to post every now and then!
Life is good over here, everything is going great! I’ve made some incredible friends and school is good! I am doing track after school, and I really like it. I had some problems with my ankles before spring break that made it hard for me to do 100% at practices, but I feel better now! 🙂
I just got back from spring break. Only 7 or 8 more weeks of school… I can’t believe it! Time has gone by soooo fast!!! It’s almost time for me to go home again… I have gained so much from this experience and the fact that I have to leave all of his in less than 2 months truly breaks my heart… I already cry about it! But all good things must come to an end, right? So I’m going to live my life to the fullest now and just enjoy t he time I have left!
On friday i went to the movies and saw Mockingjay. It was such a good movie! The best one in the hunger games series so far in my opinion. I wasn’t a big fan of the first 2 movies, so i didn’t expect to like this one either but Mockingjay was just amazing! I can’t wait for part two… About halfway through the movie I realized that there were no subtitles like I’m used to. Im so used to english now that I feel like english is my first language instead of swedish. The only reason I even noticed that there were no subtitles were when people around me started talking or something and i couldn’t hear the movie. When that happens in sweden I just read the subtitles so I don’t miss out on whats going on in the movie.
People at school often wants me to speak in swedish or teach them some words, and Im no longer comfortable speaking swedish. I’ve forgotten a lot of words and I’m not used to the pronunciation so sometimes when I speak I mispronounce the words, haha! And I always get really nervous when people ask me to speak swedish. Weird, huh? I guess that that’ll change and go back to normal when I move back in a few months though!
It was snowing yesterday (friday) and I had my first small snowball fight, haha! The weather here has been really strange, 2 weeks ago I wore skirts and dresses and now theres 3 inches of snow on the ground and we have to wear winter coats and mittens! I love snow, so I’m definitely not complaining! haha. All the snow makes me feel like home.
I’m really sorry, haha! I honestly don’t know why I haven’t updated my blog in like a month. I don’t spend a lot of time on my computer over here, so I guess I just forgot about my blog.
Not a lot has happened since my last post. We preformed the fall play, and then I auditioned for the Musical. I ended up getting a lead part in this years musical and I’m super happy! Our musical has 4 lead singing parts (2 girls and 2 boys) and 2 lead dance parts (one girl one boy). I killed the dance audition and got the girl dance lead! About 40 students from our school attended the dance auditions so I’m so happy that I got the lead!
Other than that I haven’t done much… I go to school and do my homework like everyone else, so there’s not much to write about. OHH, my battery for my camera died and I don’t have a charger! I had pictures from the play on it that I would’ve liked to show you, but that’ll have to wait!
Friday was a loooong but exciting day for me! We didn’t have school today, so me and my friends got up early to help decorate for the football game. We basically just put orange and black decorations all over the bleachers and around the football field. And after a while when we got tired of decorating we were just hanging out and laying on the tracks, haha 😛

After that, we went to a beauty salon and got a pedicure. It was my first time getting one, and it tickled so bad, haha! (Kailena and my host mom Jamie in the picture to the left, Ellie and Carmella in the picture to the right)

I also had drivers ed today, and this time I wasn’t hit by anything haha! After my drive I went back to my house and got ready for the game. One of my best friends here, Dennis, is a football player and wanted me to support him a little extra at the homecoming game, so I put his number (#60) on my cheek.

The game was AMAZING! Cashmere won. They also announced the homecoming king and queen at the game, and Dennis won 🙂
pToday’s theme was extreme orange and black (cashmere’s school colors!). I will show you pictures of our crazy outfits, haha!

At the end of the school day we had a pep-assembly where the whole school walked in a parade from the high school to “downtown” cashmere.

Then just some other pictures of me and my friends!

we decorated for homecoming after school. The homecoming dance is on saturday and the theme is “tropic like its hot” hahahha! I am very happy with the decorations, it looks amazing! But you guys have to wait ’til sunday to see pictures 🙂
Todays theme was Western. It was a lot of fun for me to dress up as a cowgirl since its so different from what I would wear on a regular day.

Me and Peyton (Junior) on the left. Paola, Me, Hannah, Emily (all Seniors) on the right.
The second (and last) part of the talent show was today. It was just as good as yesterday. We also played dodgeball at lunch again, but this time against the Sophmores. I think I forgot to mention that we lost the game yesterday against the Juniors, but we won today so we ended up in third place! This was the first time the Senior didn’t get last place, so I’m proud, haha!
Tomorrow (thursday) is the last day of the spirit week since we don’t have school on friday. So the theme for tomorrow is Black and orange. Black and orange are our school colors if you didn’t know that! 🙂
Todays theme was Twin Day. Paola was my partner for the day. The whole point of it was to wear the same outfit, and I have to say, me and Paola did a great job! We even had matching coffee mugs! (and yes, I know I hated coffee before I moved to America, but I am ADDICTED now. It’s soooo good)
The first part of the talent show was today, and it was so much fun to watch! My school is seriously the best school with the best people. Just the way that the students supported each other and cheered for one another was amazing to me. I am so happy to be a part of Cashmere High School! All the performances were great!

We have a lot of difference activities this week where each grade can earn points, and the grade with the highest amount of points at the end of the week will win (I heard that they will get free pizza, but I’m not sure if that’s true or not :P). The seniors (my grade) is currently in last place… hehe! Everyday at lunch we have a dodgeball tournament, and today it was time for the Juniors and Seniors to play. I had never played dodgeball before and I had no idea what it was all about. I didn’t want to play at first, but after a lot of peer pressure from my Senior friends, I actually played… It was a lot of fun! If theres anything that I’ve learned in the last couple of months are that you should NEVER be afraid to try something new. I turned out to be really bad at dodgeball, but thats okay, because I tried it, I had fun, and got to know new people in my grade!
And as you probably saw in the title. I was in a car crash. I was hit by a truck. I am doing Drivers Ed here, so I was driving with the teacher. We exited the highway onto a very skinny bridge, and everything was fine until this big truck (who’s not even supposed o drive on that bridge, because the truck is too wide!) came towards me with haft of his truck on my side of the road. Since we were on a bridge we could move over or turn away from the truck, so I slammed on the brake and tried to avoid the truck as much as possible. The truck ran into the side of my car and the side mirror got all messed up! I’m still surprised that I managed to avoid a serious crash. No one got hurt, but the truck drove away without seeing if I was okay. The car is fine too. My teacher said that I did a good job and that I am a great driver! That accident was the trucks fault, I didn’t do anything wrong.
So mom,  don’t worry, Im OKAY!!! haha 🙂
We did a lot on our 3rd day in Vegas. We went up the “Eiffel Tower”, went to Madame Tussauds, saw a 4D movie and went to another show.

The view from the Eiffel Tower

Madame Tussauds.

Me and Summer at the 4D movie.

Later that night we went to se Cirque Du Soleil, KA. If you ever get a chance to see a Cirque Du Soleil show, DO IT!! The show was absolutely amazing! The cast is so talented, the choreography is incredible, the costumes and makeup is amazing, the whole show was perfect. What´s so unique about Cirque Du Soliel is that the stage moves around (you can kind of tell by the picture) and that the performers are sometimes hanging above the audience.